Land Degradation in Africa: How worrying is the situation and what should we do?
Abidjan will host the Continental Workshop on Land Degradation Monitoring in Africa that will be organized by the OSS in partnership with the African Union and with the financial support of the European Union, and which will bring together decision-makers, researchers and experts from different consortia and institutions.
This event, perfectly matches with the objectives of the United Nations Decade for Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030), and the objectives of Agenda 2063 “The Africa We Want”, and will pull together the efforts of African institutions and regional and international organizations working on Land Degradation in Africa.
During this meeting, the “Land degradation in Africa: How worrying is the situation and what should we do?" high-level discussion panel, will assess the land degradation situation in Africa and explore the possibilities for their restoration.
Particular attention will be paid to the establishment of a continental land degradation neutrality monitoring system, building on the African institutions’ achievements in the use of EO techniques and tools.
Besides, a consultation framework in line with the approaches and indicators of this system, shall be introduced.
The different sessions of the workshop will establish a participatory framework to guide decision-makers and support natural resource managers.
October 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7
Session 1
High level discussion  
Session 2
EO for land degradation monitoring : Experiences showcasing
Session 3
Land degradation monitoring service for Africa 
Session 4
Role of academia and private sector in the service delivery
Session 5
Communication & capacity building  
Session 6
Roadmap for the service development  
Session 7
Action plan for the service development  
Session 8
Welcoming ceremony
Statements by:
- Dr. Tidiane Ouattara, Coordinator of GMES&Africa program
- Representative of the European Union Commission
- Representative of UNCCD
- Representative of FAO
- Representative of CILSS
- Representative of the Ivory Coast government
- Mr. Nabil BEN KHATRA, OSS Executive Secretary
- Family photo
- Stand visit by officials
- Press conference
Session 1
High level discussion panel on the continental land degradation monitoring in Africa with a focus on "Land degradation in Africa: where are we and what should we do? "
Lunch break
Session 2:
EO for land degradation monitoring: Experiences showcasing
- Overview of the GMES&Africa Program (AUC), Dr. Tidiane Ouattara, GMES&Africa Program Coordinator
- Overview of land degradation monitoring service over Africa, concept and expected functionalities
- UNCCD Guidelines for monitoring land degradation
- Overview of African institutions and initiatives in land degradation monitoring: Experience of OSS, FAO, JRC, CILSS, ICPAC, RCMRD, SASSCAL, AfriGEO, CSE, etc
Discussions and exchanges
Exposition / Coffee break
Session 2 (cont.):
EO for land degradation monitoring: Experiences showcasing
- Overview of African institutions and initiatives in land degradation monitoring: Experience of OSS, FAO, JRC, CILSS, ICPAC, RCMRD, SASSCAL, AfriGEO, CSE, etc
- Other institutions interested in sharing their experiences?
Wrap-up of day 1
Session 3 :
Session 3: Land degradation monitoring service for Africa
Theme 1: Land degradation monitoring for Africa
- Animation : OSS representative
- Expert group discussion : Representatives of the GMES consortia, regional and international institutions
- Facilitator :RCMRD representative
Exposition / Coffee break
Theme 1 (continuation): Land degradation monitoring for Africa
- Animation : SASSCAL representative
- Expert group discussion: Representatives of the GMES consortia, regional and international institutions
- Facilitator: ICPAC representative
Lunch break
Session 4:
Role of academia and private sector in the service delivery
Theme 2: Role of academia in the service delivery
- Animation : Animation: CSE representative
- Expert group discussion: Representatives of the GMES consortia, academia and universities
- Facilitator: SASSCAL representative
Exposition / Coffee break
Theme 3: Role of private sector in the service delivery
- Animation : ICPAC representative
- Expert group discussion: Representatives of the GMES consortia, private sector
- Facilitator:RCMRD representative
Wrap-up of day 2
Session 5:
Communication & capacity building
Theme 4: Dissemination and outreach for land degradation monitoring for Africa
- Animation :ICPAC representative
- Expert group discussion:Communication officers of GMES consortia, representatives of regional and international institutions
- Facilitator:OSS representative
Exposition / Coffee break
Theme 4 (continuation): Dissemination and outreach for land degradation monitoring for Africa
- Animation : SASSCAL representative
- Expert group discussion: Chargés de communication des consortiums GMES, représentants des institutions régionales et internationales
- Facilitator: RCMRD representative
Lunch break
Thème 5: Theme 5: Training and capacity building on the service use, products and services
- Animation : ICPAC representative
- Expert group discussion: Representatives of the GMES consortia, end-users, private sector and academia
- Facilitator: OSS representative
Exposition / Coffee break
Theme 5 (continuation): Training and capacity building on the service use, products and services
- Animation : CSE representative
- Expert group discussion:Representatives of the GMES consortia, end-users, private sector and academia
- Facilitator: SASSCAL representative
Wrap-up of day 3
Session 6 :
Roadmap for the service development
Theme 6: Roadmap for the service development
- Animation : OSS representative
- Expert group discussion:Representatives of the GMES consortia, academia and universities
- Facilitator: SASSCAL representative
Exposition / Coffee break
Theme 6 (continuation): Roadmap for the service development
- Animation : OSS representative
- Expert group discussion: Representatives of the GMES consortia, regional and international institutions
- Facilitator: CSE representative
Lunch break
Session 7 :
Action plan for the service development
Theme 7: Action plan for the service development
- Animation : UNCCD representative
- Expert group discussion: Representatives of the GMES consortia, regional and international institutions
- Facilitator: FAO representative
Exposition / Coffee break
Theme 7 (continuation): Action plan for the service development
- Animation : UNCCD representative
- Expert group discussion: Representatives of the GMES consortia, regional and international institutions
- Facilitator: FAO representative
Wrap-up of day 4
Session 8 :
Theme 8: Cross-fertilization and experiences capitalization
- Animation : CPAC representativeC
- Expert group discussion:Representatives of the GMES consortia, regional and international institutions
- Facilitator: OSS representativeS
Exposition / Coffee break
Theme 9: closing session
- Wrap-up of the workshop
- Closing ceremony